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Freshman Year


            I started college both worried and excited. I was worried about the academic load, the potential hours spent doing homework, and studying for midterms. I was worried about meeting people that would understand me and why I am who I am today. I was excited about the independence that came with attending college. In awe of an institution this big, I was eager to join organizations and meet new people. Little did I know, it would take me several months of learning how to manage my time to fully spread my wings. I joined several organizations I was passionate about, conducted research at the CCHMC, and made big plans for the future.

            One of the organizations I devoted a lot of my time to was GlobeMed. UC’s GlobeMed chapter focuses on educating the public about public health and the value of the professionals that fight for public health. GlobeMed’s purpose really resonated with me and what I want to accomplish in the future. I yearn to expand my global perspective and essentially become a distinguished global citizen scholar. In my effort to achieve this title and become a better future medical professional, I devoted my extra time to positive changes in the local Cincinnati community. I believe service and devotion towards a positive goal is a major pillar in the journey towards becoming a distinguished global citizen scholar. I volunteered at several different organizations around Cincinnati and hope to continue my relationships with these organizations through my career at the University of Cincinnati.

            I don’t plan on stopping at just local service though! I applied for a study abroad program called Semester at Sea that journeys to around 10 countries in one semester, enabling students to experience the culture and livelihood of people around the world. I hope to take this experience and the lessons I learn about the culture of people around the world to help me empathize and understand people of various backgrounds. I believe the ability to learn, empathize, and promote trust in people will aide me in my journey to not only becoming a successful medical professional but a distinguished global citizen scholar.

            There is one big takeaway I’ve landed on about my first year in college that I’d like to share with you. I’m grateful that I want to learn. I’m grateful that I can use my knowledge to help individuals and hopefully society as a whole. College has introduced me to many people around the world, people with different life stories, people that both want nothing to do with me, and people that share my values. However, my first-year experience has only strengthened my desire to become a medical professional and do as much good as I can in my community and hopefully the world.

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